Family Circles (1970)

World Premiere: 20 August 1970
Venue: Theatre in the Round at the Library Theatre, Scarborough
London Premiere: 24 September 1978
Venue: Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond
Play Number: 10
Published: Samuel French
Other Media: No
Short Synopsis: A play about a couple with three daughters, postulating how different partners might have changed their lives with each daughter getting a new partner with each act.
Amateur: Apply to Concord Theatricals.
Professional: Apply to Casarotto Ramsay.
Family Circles quote
"We all marry the wrong people."
Family Circles
All research and original material in the Family Circles section of Alan Ayckbourn's Official Website is by Simon Murgatroyd M.A. and copyright of Haydonning Ltd. All other material is copyright of the named copyright holder. Please do not reproduce any material without permission of the copyright holder. For enquiries, email:

The Family Circles section of this website is dedicated to Michael T. Mooney for his support of the site & the donation of The Michael T. Mooney Archive to the Ayckbourn Archive.